
Cable and satellite TV, radio, internet and mobile communications are working in Kharkiv - Sinehubov

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Cable and satellite TV, radio, internet, and mobile communications are working in Kharkiv, despite a Russian missile strike on a TV tower.

As a result of the occupiers' X-59 missile hitting a TV tower in Kharkiv and the nearest settlements, there is no digital broadcasting signal, but residents can connect cable and satellite TV, listen to the radio, and the Internet and mobile communications are working, said the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleh Syniehubov, reports UNN.

Kharkiv residents can connect cable and satellite TV. Radio, internet, and mobile communications are working

- said Kharkiv RMA in its Telegram.

At the same time, it is stated that as a result of the Russian invaders' hitting the Kharkiv TV tower with an X-59 missile, there has been no digital broadcasting signal in Kharkiv and the nearest settlements since April 22.

Найімовірніше, ворог мав на меті перебити зв’язок, аби поширити сигнал своєї російської пропаганди: Євлаш про удар по харківській телевежі23.04.24, 09:15 • [views_0]


According to the Kharkiv RMA, the total height of the tower before the hit was 250 meters, while   the impact was at an altitude of about 140 meters. It is stated that technical rooms were damaged, and experts are currently analyzing the extent of damage to television equipment.

Удар рф по харківській телевежі: у поліції показали фото наслідків22.04.24, 20:20 • [views_0]