
Denmark plans to buy Ukrainian military equipment for the Armed Forces: Shmyhal made a statement

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Ukraine and Denmark sign a letter of intent for Denmark to purchase Ukrainian military equipment to be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine and Denmark have signed a letter of intent to purchase Ukrainian military equipment, which will be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal during a telethon, a correspondent of UNN reports.

In addition to the delegation from Australia, a powerful delegation from Denmark, headed by the Minister of Defense, is also in Lviv today. They have visited a number of military facilities. We have agreed on absolutely unprecedented cooperation and signed a relevant agreement of intent, a letter of intent on the purchase of Ukrainian military equipment by the Danes, which will be subsequently transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces 

- Shmyhal said.

He expressed confidence that partner countries would join the initiative.

This is the first such example, and we will continue this work, strengthening the production of the best Ukrainian weapons. I am convinced that not only Denmark, but also the European Union and other partner countries will join this initiative 

- Shmyhal said.

23.04.24, 17:49 • [views_0]