
Enemy "Shahed" destroyed over Uman district in Cherkasy region at night - RMA

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During a night air raid over the Uman district of Cherkasy region, Ukrainian air defense systems shot down an enemy Shahed drone, with no casualties or damage reported.

During a nighttime air raid over Uman district in Cherkasy region, air defense destroyed an enemy Shahed attack drone, no casualties or damage were reported, said Ihor Taburets, head of the Cherkasy RMA, on Tuesday, UNN reports.

The night passed for the region with an air raid alert. At this time, our defenders destroyed an enemy "shahed" in the sky over Uman. No people were injured. No infrastructure was destroyed either

- Taburets wrote on Telegram.

16.04.24, 06:48 • [views_0]

Julia Shramko
