
Guerrillas reconnoitered the Black Sea Fleet naval base in Novorossiysk - "ATESH"

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Partisans from the underground ATES movement conducted reconnaissance of the Russian naval base in Novorossiysk, where most of the Black Sea Fleet ships were redeployed.

The guerrillas scouted the occupiers' naval base in Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia. It is here that the invaders relocated most of their ships. This was reported by the underground movement "ATESH", UNN reports .

During the reconnaissance, the 134th Group of Support Vessels of the Novorossiysk Naval Base, the fleet maintenance base and a large oil refinery, Chornomortransnafta, were spotted,

- the statement said.


The deployment of Project 22160 patrol ships and oil tankers was also recorded."

Russia has moved most of its warships to Novorossiysk from Crimea. Very soon they will be destroyed here as well,

- The guerrillas noted.


Russia has largely withdrawn its Black Sea Fleet ships and submarines from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk. After the dismissal of the Black Sea Fleet commander in March 2024, the fleet has been the least active since the beginning of the war.

Olga Rozgon
