
Media demand Humeniuk's dismissal from the post of communications officer of OK "Pivden": what caused the discontent

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The journalists demand the dismissal of Natalia Humeniuk from her position as communications officer of the South military command for banning coverage of Russia's war crimes and imposing unjustified restrictions on the work of the media.

Ukrainian journalists have written a collective complaint to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff regarding the activities of Natalia Humeniuk, a spokesperson for the JFO Pivden. According to the journalists, Gumenyuk forbids covering Russian war crimes in the area of responsibility of the military. The journalists demand that the military leadership replace Natalia Gumenyuk "with a more competent person and not allow her to be involved in any communications management." UNN writes about this with reference to the text of the statement. 

We are convinced that the person who manages the communications of the JFO during the war must be able to interact adequately and professionally with the media, understand the extreme importance of covering events from the front, the need to document and draw attention to the crimes of the Russians, and in no case impose unjustified restrictions that hinder the work of journalists.

- the statement reads.


In their statement, the media representatives emphasize the terrible communication between the OK "South" and journalists covering the events at the front in the south of the country. The work of the spokesperson is manifested in many aspects through bans and restrictions, which is very similar to the Soviet system.

According to the journalists, one of the most egregious moments is the ban on working while covering crimes committed by Muscovy:

A person who obstructed the coverage of Russian crimes, who does not allow journalists to show the brave defenders of Kherson region, who is unable to explain to the command of her direction why society should see not only her face but also the faces of the soldiers and why the world should promptly see Russian war crimes, cannot continue to lead communications.

-- the statement reads.

Medov workers demand "to replace Natalia Humeniuk with a more competent person and not to allow her to manage any communications."

In addition to the removal of Humeniuk from the post of chief communications officer of the Pivden Okrug, the journalists also have three other demands:

* Ensure access of journalists to the districts of Kherson region, which were "unjustifiably blocked by Natalia Humeniuk for a long time".

* To review the existing rules of operation of the press centers of the Pivden and the combined newly created Tavria (formerly Odesa and Tavria) to avoid cases of excessive and unjustified control and restrictions that impede the coverage and documentation of events of great importance to Ukraine.

* Finally, journalists, as if being "proactive," asked not to appoint Hanna Malyar to communication positions in the structures of the Defense Forces.

Please make every effort to ensure that journalists do not have to write another letter regarding the inadmissibility of Hanna Malyar heading any communication structures of the Defense Forces. Individuals in key communication positions must have the proper skills and reputation to fulfill their duties as required, especially in times of war.

- the statement reads.

Probably, the concern about Malyar is related to her recent appearance on TV, where the former Defense Ministry spokeswoman tactlessly spoke about the demobilization of the military.

12.02.24, 23:59 • [views_0]

The appeal has already been signed by about a hundred representatives of various media.

The Defense Ministry has not yet commented on this statement. Gumenyuk herself is also still silent. However, some activists have already  come to her defense.

 And Natalia Gumenyuk is right, because most small-town sms carry foreigners (fixers) for money, and then arrivals and shit information from European sms. Natalia is one of the most competent people, so this slander is from the so-called sms, whom she does not allow to make money on the war ....  Natalia is the best in her field, professional, principled.  

- Nata Kartasheva wrote.


The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reacted to the emerging scandal with the communications officer of the OK "South". They emphasized that the issue of communications is coordinated with the Ministry of Defense, and that no unauthorized persons, including "former deputy ministers of defense of Ukraine," are involved in this process. The ministry asked not to involve the Armed Forces in the political struggle.  

The communication system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being developed and operates without the involvement of other persons, including former Deputy Ministers of Defense of Ukraine. We ask you not to involve the Armed Forces of Ukraine in political struggle, to use only official information disseminated through verified channels of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to observe information hygiene.

- said the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.