
Pentagon chief: Ramstein to focus on strengthening Ukraine's air defense, along with the interceptors, artillery and armor it needs

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At the Ramstein meeting, Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin said that the partners would focus on strengthening Ukraine's air defense by providing more air defense systems, interceptor missiles, artillery, and armored vehicles to help Ukraine protect its citizens and regain occupied territories.

Pentagon Secretary Lloyd Austin said during a meeting in the Ramstein format that the partners at today's meeting will focus on strengthening Ukraine's air defense, which Ukraine needs along with interceptor missiles, artillery and armored vehicles, UNN reports.

We are going to have a special focus today on boosting Ukraine's air defences. Ukraine is in a dare need of more air defence systems and it urgently needs more interceptors

- Austin said.

According to him, this will be a "huge part" of today's meeting.

Ukraine also needs more artillery and armour to defend its citizens and reclaim its stolen territory. And we are going to do everything that we can to help them

- said the Pentagon chief.

26.04.24, 15:36 • [views_0]