
The enemy forbade personnel to talk to the population of the occupied territories: why

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In the temporarily occupied territories, the enemy has prohibited personnel from communicating with local residents unless it is required by their official duties, due to the large amount of information that locals pass on to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which indicates the uncontrolled and temporary presence of the occupiers.

In the temporarily occupied territories, the enemy has forbidden personnel to talk to locals unless their official duties require it, UNN reports with reference to the National Resistance Center.

According to the Center, the reason for the decision was the large amount of information that the locals pass on to the Defense Forces, and with it the growing distrust of the occupiers in the locals. Therefore, all units deployed for maintenance have been instructed not to talk to civilians again.

"This once again shows that the enemy still does not control the occupied territories and is only a temporary occupier on this land. Thus, all his movements will be known and everyone will be punished," the statement said.

17.08.23, 10:02 • [views_826680]

Antonina Tumanova
