
The Verkhovna Rada supported the draft law on regulation of forest reproduction

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The Verkhovna Rada supported a draft law to create a new system of regulation and control over activities related to forest reproductive resources, ensure the preservation and restoration of unique forest ecosystems, preserve genetic diversity, increase forest cover and bring them in line with EU legislation.

The Verkhovna Rada has supported draft law No. 9116 on the regulation of forest reproduction, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"The Rada supported the draft law No. 9116 on forest reproductive resources as a basis," Zheleznyak said on Telegram.

"According to him, the MPs cast 268 votes in favor.

The expert community saysthat the draft law regulates the problems of forest seed production and the cultivation of planting material.

Adoption of the draft law, as reported in the parliament:

  • will create a new system of regulation and control of activities related to the receipt and sale of forest reproductive material integrated with EU standards;
  • will ensure the conservation and restoration of unique forest ecosystems, preservation of genetic diversity and the valuable gene pool of species and hybrids of forest trees and shrubs;
  • will increase the forest cover of Ukraine by creating biotically sustainable stands;
  • will ensure that Ukraine fulfills its international obligations, including the approximation of national legislation to EU law.

Знищені ліси і заміновані території: у СтратКомі розповіли, яку шкоду росіяни завдали українському довкіллю22.04.24, 13:16 • [views_0]