
Ukrainian Armed Forces carry out 13 air strikes against the enemy - General Staff

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted 13 air strikes on enemy targets, including 2 command posts, 8 troop concentrations and 3 anti-aircraft missile systems, and Ukrainian missile forces hit 1 command post and 1 concentration point of the Russian occupiers.

The Air Force of Ukraine conducted air strikes on 2 command posts, 8 troop concentrations and 3 enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. This was reported by the General Staff in a morning report, according to UNN.


Ukrainian missile forces hit 1 command post and 1 concentration of Russian invaders.

Генштаб: Сили оборони у четвер відбили 23 атаки росіян на Авдіївському напрямку25.04.24, 20:13 • [views_0]