
Why do men abroad have to update their data in consulates? The Council provided clarification

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Ukrainian men aged 18-60 who are abroad must update their military registration data at consulates within 60 days so that employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center understand who is abroad and do not waste time on issuing subpoenas in Ukraine.

Updating the military registration data of men abroad is necessary so that employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center understand who is abroad and do not waste time on issuing summonses in Ukraine. This was stated by MP from the "Servant of the People" Fedir Venislavsky on the air of Radio Liberty, UNN reports.

Updating personal data for consular services is only a means for us to understand which of the citizens of Ukraine who are liable for military service are staying or permanently residing abroad. In order for us not to do this, TCCs do not issue summonses to them, do not spend time and resources on this

- Venislavsky explains.


According to him, after the men update their military records at the consulates, they will not be sent summonses.

"We do not have a mechanism for serving summonses abroad, because they are served by representatives of the TCC JV, and their jurisdiction does not apply abroad," the MP said.

Venislavsky added that there is also no procedure for returning men to Ukraine.

"There will definitely be no negative consequences for Ukrainian citizens who want to update their data, documents, passports, or receive consular services. It should be clarified that obtaining a military registration document does not in any way mean that these citizens will be mobilized tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, because it is quite difficult to create a mechanism that would force Ukrainian citizens to return if they do not want to, if they have legally crossed the state border and if there are no criminal proceedings against them in Ukraine," Venislavsky said.


On April 11, the Verkhovna Rada passed a law on improving certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service. This decision was supported by 283 MPs, mostly from the ruling Servant of the People party and its allied factions and groups. The provision on the conditions of demobilization of the military disappeared from the final version of the document. On April 16, the law was signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The document stipulates, among other things, that men aged 18-60 are required to update their credentials within 60 days at a military enlistment office, administrative service center (ASC) or in the conscript's electronic office. Also, persons liable for military service during the period of martial law must carry their military registration documents with them at all times and present them at the request of the police or employees of the CAC.