
Bus falls off a bridge in South Africa, killing 45

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A bus carrying passengers from Botswana fell off a bridge in South Africa, killing at least 45 people after the bus caught fire.

At least 45 people were killed in a bus crash in South Africa. This was reported by Reuters with reference to a statement by the South African Ministry of Transport, UNN reports.


The ministry claims that the driver lost control and collided with the guardrails on the bridge, causing the bus to drive over the bridge and hit the ground, where it caught fire.

The passenger bus was carrying people from Botswana, a landlocked country in southern Africa.

Rescue operations continued until late Thursday evening as some bodies were burned beyond recognition, while others were trapped in the wreckage and scattered at the scene, the Limpopo Department of Transport said in a separate statement.

Смертельна ДТП в Німеччині: у МЗС заявили, що серед поранених є українці28.03.24, 21:50 • [views_0]