
10 thousand documents in six months: the Ministry of Digital Transformation reports on the work of online services for seafarers

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The Ministry of Digital Transformation has reported that online services for seafarers on the Diia portal have become popular, allowing for transparent certification and issuance of qualification documents without intermediaries, saving $150 million annually for the state budget.

On a voyage without corruption schemes. The Ministry of Digital Transformation reported on how online services for seafarers work, UNN reports .

Details  [1

According to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the popularity of services for seafarers on the Diia portal is growing every month. In six months, more than 18,000 seafarers have used the transparent certification service and received more than 10,000 positive decisions on the issuance of qualification documents.

Previously, documents were obtained only through private intermediaries. About $150 million was lost to the state budget annually.

With Diia's online services, seafarers can receive a range of services from anywhere in the world. Namely, to obtain information about:

  • assigning a title 
  • confirmation of qualification 
  • You can also apply for the exam in Ukraine and Poland.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation noted that each online application is reviewed by the State Seafarers' Qualification Commission. The processing status and data on the commission member who processes the application can also be tracked in real time.

The process becomes as transparent and understandable as possible. Convenient. Transparent. Anti-corruption

- the Ministry of Digital Transformation summarized.


Electronic services for seafarers on the portal Diya and bringing seafarers' certification standards in line with international requirements are being implemented by the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Shipping Administration in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of the USAID/UK aid project Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/ TAPAS.

Tatiana Salganik



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