
A collaborator who guarded a Russian torture chamber during the occupation was detained in Kherson

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A collaborator who guarded a Russian torture chamber in occupied Kherson when he was planning to flee abroad. The man faces up to 15 years in prison for aiding the occupation forces.

Another collaborator who guarded one of the Russian torture chambers during the occupation of the city was detained in Kherson. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Security Service of Ukraine.


It is noted that during the liberation of the regional center, the detainee burned the enemy's "prison guard's certificate" and moved to a rented apartment to "cover his tracks.

In this way, he planned to stay in hiding until January 2025, when he would turn 60, and then go abroad as an immigrant from southern Ukraine.

However, the collaborator did not wait for this - SBU officers tracked him down and detained him in a temporary residence.

A search of the detainee's home revealed a cell phone with evidence of his criminal actions, as well as a Russian-style uniform issued to him by the occupiers.

He has been served a notice of suspicion under Part 7 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration, voluntary holding of a position by a citizen of Ukraine in illegal law enforcement agencies established in the temporarily occupied territory). The offender is in custody. He faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property

- the SBU summarized. 

У Херсоні колаборантці загрожує 15 років за незаконну "паспортизацію" та сприяння депортації українців07.03.24, 06:09


According to the investigation, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, he worked as an electromechanical engineer at a local enterprise.

But after the capture of Kherson, the man voluntarily joined the "administration" of the Russian prison, which operated in the local penal colony that was seized at the time.

There he was appointed a "junior inspector of the supervision and security department" of the occupation institution.

In this "position," he guarded the cells in which the imprisoned members of the resistance movement in the region were kept. In the torture chamber, the Russians tortured Ukrainian patriots and tried to "beat" them into agreeing to cooperate with the aggressor.


A collaborator from Kharkiv regionwho helped the Russian Federation by recording the locations of Ukrainian troops and assisting at Russian checkpoints was detained while trying to escape to the occupied territory. Now the man faces up to 12 years in prison.


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