
A large-scale combat readiness check has begun in Belarus, 6,000 reservists have been called up

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Belarus has launched a large-scale test of its army's combat readiness, calling up at least 6,000 reservists in response to NATO's Resilient Defender 2024 and Dragon 24 exercises.

Belarus is undergoing a large-scale check of the army's combat readiness: thousands of reservists have been called up

On March 11, Belarus has been testing combat readiness in response to the NATO exercises Steadfast Defender 2024 and Dragon-24. Several brigades of Belarusian troops are involved in the maneuvers; at least 6,000 reservists are involved. This is written Telegram channel "Belarusky gayun", reports UNN.


According to the channel "Belaruskiy Gayun" and Belarusian activist Anton Motolko, March 11, the Armed Forces of Belarus launched a combat readiness check. Allegedly, it is officially a response to the exercises Steadfast Defender 2024 and Dragon-24 conducted by NATO countries.

The monitoring channel informs that this inspection is the largest among similar activities carried out in recent years.

The main brigades involved in this inspection were the 19th and 120th. A mass call-up of reservists was also conducted to supplement the units - at least 6,000 reservists were called up in total, with whom classes are being held on the main subjects of combat training

- writes "The Belarus Gauntlet.


It is also reported that throughout March 2024, as part of the combat readiness test, Belarusian military units were stationed in no less than 6 locations, including:

Postavy district;

Oshmian district;

Lepelsky landfill;

Domanovo landfill;

Osipovichi landfill;


The situation on the border with Belarus is under full control, and there is no significant threat from the Russian units remaining there, according to the State Border Service of Ukraine.

Political prisoner Aliaksandr Kulinich, accused of insulting Lukashenka, died in the Belarusian pre-trial detention center on April 9, having not lived a few days before the trial.

Ihor Telezhnikov



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