
After the US decision, German Vice Chancellor insists on further German aid to Ukraine and wants to increase arms production

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German Minister of Economy Robert Habeck demanded that Germany take a leading role in providing military assistance to Ukraine and expand arms production.

After the United States approved billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck demanded that Germany also take a leading role in providing further support and, in addition, expand weapons production, UNN reports citing tagesschau.


"We also need to build up the defense industry in Germany," Habeck told Deutschlandfunk.

Віцеканцлер ФРН Габек пообіцяв Україні подальшу підтримку Німеччини19.04.24, 17:00

According to him, "in essence, we will have to do the same thing we did with energy supply - to do with weapons production." If Ukraine needs weapons and ammunition, it should get them. If they are no longer needed, the Bundeswehr can use them, Habeck said.

"That's why we need to expand as quickly as possible and produce more," Habeck emphasized. This is "not a good and unpleasant thing to say" because it is a military weapon. "I'm not approaching this lightly or with a cheerful boldness at all. But this is a very, very necessary decision," he said.

Палата представників США схвалила законопроєкт щодо допомоги Україні20.04.24, 21:07


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