
An economist on the creation of a database of tobacco product samples: KFI is the only institution in Ukraine that we trust in this matter

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To strengthen the fight against the shadow market of tobacco products, the Kiev Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise should become the only institution that will receive samples of tobacco products from manufacturers and create a unified database, notes the economist.

In order to strengthen the fight against the shadow tobacco market, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise should receive samples of tobacco products from manufacturers and form a single database. This is the only institution that conducts high-quality research on tobacco products and is trusted in this matter. This opinion was voiced by economist, coordinator of expert groups of the Economic Expert Platform Oleh Hetman in an exclusive commentary to UNN.


The expert noted that the proposal to oblige manufacturers to submit samples of tobacco products and to entrust the formation of a unified database to the Kyiv Research Institute arose within the framework of the activities of the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Verkhovna Rada.

He added that this proposal is currently being considered at the conceptual level, and a detailed mechanism for forming the database has not yet been considered.

"As part of the work of the PIC, which includes many independent experts, we considered various options for how to counteract gray schemes and formed about 10 proposals that could be made based on the analysis of the problems and specifics of Ukrainian schemes. This was one of the proposals of independent think tanks.

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is the only institution we trust, which currently has a high reputation and is the only one that performs such examinations of high quality.

So far, we haven't looked at the concept in detail. This is an idea that is being discussed. Then we will clarify all the details together with MPs and experts from Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, and a detailed mechanism will be developed. So far, we are trying to conceptually agree on this as an idea," said Hetman.

According to the economist, the Rada's tax committee and its chairman, Danylo Hetmantsev, have not yet taken this proposal into account.

"I have not yet responded to this issue, but following the March 25 committee meeting on the illegal tobacco market, the committee's proposals were formed and included about 15 other proposals, including 10 proposals from our experts. So there are a lot of other useful and important things, but this proposal has not yet been included, but we are working on it," Hetman added.

Щоб запобігти незаконному обігу, в Україні створять бібліотеку еталонних зразків готової тютюнової продукції - КНДІСЕ26.12.23, 13:03


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