
Apple sues former employee for leaking confidential information

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Apple is suing former iOS engineer Andrew Oda for leaking confidential information about the company's product strategies, number of employees, hardware details, and regulatory compliance strategies in violation of a confidentiality agreement.

Apple's lawsuit claims that the former iOS engineer had access to confidential information and disclosed information about the company's strategy, number of employees, and other characteristics of the product's hardware, UNN reports with reference to The Verge.


Apple is filing a lawsuit in a California court against former employee Andrew Aude, claiming that he violated the company's confidentiality agreement and labor laws by disclosing confidential information. The lawsuit states that Andrew Aude also disclosed regulatory compliance strategies, the number of employees, and other hardware characteristics of the product.

Apple може інтегрувати ШІ Gemini у нові iPhone 18.03.24, 14:43

According to Apple's version, Andrew Ode allegedly claimed that he leaked the information "to kill products and features he disagreed with.

It is also said that Andrew Ode had active contacts with journalists, including more than 1,400 encrypted messages with a Wall Street Journal reporter and more than 10,000 text messages with another reporter. 

To recap

Apple shares are under pressure after the US Department of Justice and 15 US states sued Apple, accusing the company of monopolizing the smartphone market. Now , Apple's stock has lost almost 4%, recording its biggest price loss since August 2023.

Amazon, Microsoft, and Google promised to ban the use of cloud services in Russia starting March 20.

Засновника біржі FTX Сема Бенкмана-Фріда засудили до 25 років ув'язнення29.03.24, 12:04


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