
Australia joins drone coalition for Ukraine

 • 25041 переглядiв

Australia joins the United Kingdom and Latvia in providing drones as part of a "drone coalition" to support Ukraine's military efforts.

Australia is joining a military coalition with allies, including the United Kingdom and Latvia, and will provide drones for Ukrainian troops  as part of the "drone coalition" agreement. This was announced by the country's Defense Minister Richard Marles at a joint press conference with British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, UNN reports with reference to The Guardian

"Today we are also announcing that Australia will participate in a drone coalition led by the UK and Latvia," Marles said. 

He pointed out that this is "a really important opportunity for Australia to continue to contribute to efforts to ensure that Ukraine stays the course and is able to resolve this conflict on its own terms.


The Latvian Ministry of Defense reported that several countries have agreed to join a drone coalition to provide Ukraine with 1 million drones and train Ukrainian troops in their use. 

Ukraine is seeking to expand its military "drone coalition" with allies to include at least 20 more countries to supply drones, cooperate on technology, and strengthen its armed forces.


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