
Biden calls Trump's remarks on NATO terrible and dangerous

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US President Joe Biden reacted to the statements of his predecessor, Donald Trump, who said that he had threatened allies to "encourage" Russian aggression in order to force them to increase their contributions to collective security.

US President Joe Biden has called the statements of his predecessor Donald Trump, who told how he threatened allies to "encourage" Russian aggression to force them to increase their contributions to collective security, "terrible and dangerous." This was reported by The Hill, according to UNN.

Donald Trump's admission that he intends to give Putin the green light to continue his war and violence, to continue his brutal attack on free Ukraine and to spread his aggression to the people of Poland and the Baltic states is appalling and dangerous,

- Biden said.


The US president also warned that a potential second term for Trump would destroy American international relations and embolden US enemies.

Biden also called these statements expected from a man "who promises to rule like a dictator on day one if he returns to the Oval Office, just like those he praises.


Former US President Donald Trump saidthat he would "encourage" Russia to attack any of the US NATO allies that he believes have not met their financial obligations. The White House called the remarks "appalling and insane.

Stoltenberg reacts to Trump's statement on intimidation of allies2/11/24, 7:13 PM


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