
Biden's advisor believes that ATACMS will change the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine

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The United States has already provided Ukraine with ATACMS long-range ballistic missiles and will send more, hoping they will make a difference on the battlefield, confirmed US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

The United States has already provided Ukraine with ATACMS long-range ballistic missiles, and will provide more in the future, hoping that they will change the situation on the battlefield. This was stated by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, UNN reports citing Voice of America.

We have already sent part of it, and we will send more. Now we have additional powers and funds. I will not disclose specific figures for operational reasons. I believe they will make a difference

- Sullivan said at a briefing on April 24.

He added that ATACMS missiles alone will not be a panacea for Ukraine's victory in the war.

"One tool will not be the final solution. The situation in this conflict is going to be changed by a combination of capabilities that are combined with the bravery and skill of the Ukrainian soldiers. So we think it's good that we can provide them, but I don't expect one tool to be the magic tool in this conflict," Sullivan said.

Байден запевнив, що зробить все, аби ракетні системи та зброя були направлені в Україну в найближчі години 24.04.24, 18:28

Sullivan confirmed that US President Joe Biden in February 2024 ordered to provide Ukraine with "a significant number of ATACMS missiles for use on the sovereign territory of Ukraine." Sullivan said that these missiles have already arrived in Ukraine and that Washington is confident that Kyiv will not use them to strike Russian territory.

"For a long time, we have been checking these commitments of the Ukrainian authorities that they have made on other systems, including HIMARS, when they have said they will only use them on Ukrainian sovereign territory... They have honored that commitment every time with the systems we have provided them, so we are confident that they will honor that commitment again," Sullivan added.

He noted that the decision to provide ATACMS missiles to Ukraine "followed Russia's purchase and use of North Korea's ballistic missiles against Ukraine, as well as Russia's renewed and growing attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

Балістичні ракети КНДР проходять бойові випробування в Україні - Bloomberg07.04.24, 11:15

Sullivan noted that the United States now has a significant number of ATACMS missiles being manufactured and delivered to U.S. warehouses: "As a result, we can move forward with ATACMS sustainment as well as maintain the readiness of the U.S. military.

The White House National Security Advisor noted that the Congressional decision on additional funding for Ukraine came late, and Russia took advantage of this on the battlefield, but the United States believes in Ukraine's ability to win the war.

"The road ahead will not be easy. Russia is going to continue to break through Ukrainian defenses, but over time, we expect Ukraine's position in this conflict to improve. And we believe that Ukraine can and will win," Sullivan emphasized.


The United States provided Ukraine with ATACMS long-range ballistic missiles as part of a $300 million aid package in March, Pentagon spokesman Charlie Dietsch confirmed. A US official also said that Ukraine used ATACMS last night.

ATACMS can fly at three times the speed of sound and perform maneuvers when approaching a target, making it much more difficult to shoot down.

Experts have previously suggested that the provision of ATACMS by the United States could also add to the arguments for Germany to send Ukraine long-range Taurus air defense missiles.

Шольц повторив відмову поставки Taurus, але наполягає на збільшенні Європою допомоги Україні після кроку США24.04.24, 17:34


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