
Biden's wife calls Trump a threat to women

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Jill Biden called former President Donald Trump a threat to women and families in a speech in Atlanta.

The wife of US President Jill Biden said that former US leader Donald Trump is a danger to women and families. Her words from a speech in Atlanta are quoted by The Hill, UNN reports.


He has spent his entire life destroying us and devaluing our existence. He mocks women's bodies, disrespects our achievements, and boasts of assaults

Biden said, referring to a video on the Access Hollywood platform in which he described how he grabbed women, kissed them, and grabbed their private parts.

Joe Biden's wife also emphasized Trump's statement on the eve of her speech, in which he "once again took credit for allowing states like Georgia to enact cruel abortion bans.

How far will he go? You know the answer. He won't stop

said the US first lady, adding that "Donald Trump is dangerous for women.

The former US president has repeatedly supported the abortion ban. In particular, in June 2022, he called the Supreme Court's reversal of the 49-year-old ruling guaranteeing the federal government's right to abortion the biggest "victory for life" of this generation.

Addendum Addendum

On March 1, Jill Biden launched the Women for Biden campaign ahead of the presidential election in the fall of 2024. As part of this initiative, the US First Lady plans to talk to women voters in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

Трамп переміг на голосуваннях у трьох штатах03.03.24, 04:22


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