
Blinken urged the US Congress to hurry up with assistance to Ukraine so that it is not "too late"

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U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged Congress to approve an aid package for Ukraine as a matter of urgency, warning that delay could result in it being "too late."

 U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has once again called on Congress to urgently approve an aid package for Ukraine because of the risk that it "may be too late". UNN reports with reference to The Guardian.

Answering a question about US aid to Ukraine, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that "the most important thing is to get a vote on this aid and move it forward.

Is it too late? No. If it happens now, it is not too late. If it doesn't happen or takes much longer, there is a real risk that yes, it will be too late

- He said.


The U.S. House of Representatives unveiled a bill that would provide $60.8 billion in assistance to Ukraine and regional partners to counter Russia, including $49.9 billion for defense spending and $9.5 billion for economic assistance to Ukraine and countries affected by Russian aggression.

Байден обіцяє негайно підписати законопроекти Джонсона про допомогу Україні, Ізраїлю та Тайваню17.04.24, 21:40


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