
Booking of cultural and media workers: the Ministry of Culture responds to haters

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The Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy defended the booking of cultural and media workers. According to him, the hype around the topic of booking is disrespectful to people in these fields who do their jobs honestly and efficiently.

Acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostyslav Karandeyev reacted to the hate around the topic of booking cultural and media workers. According to him, this is disrespect for people who do their job honestly and efficiently, UNN reports

I was outraged by the hate around the topic of booking cultural and media workers. This is a simple disrespect for people in the field who do their job honestly and efficiently, a primitive assessment of their social significance, as well as the importance of culture in a country at war.
How can one draw conclusions about the importance of a cultural institution just by its name? The State Enterprise "Directorate of Traveling Circus Troupes of Ukraine" is not a street tent, as someone draws in their imagination, but a professional team of highly skilled masters of their craft

- Karandeyev wrote on Facebook.

According to him, it is the only institution that holds performances in the most remote territorial communities. It's hard to get there  and people don't have the opportunity to attend cultural events. Karandeyev said that the theater is constantly touring throughout Ukraine, visiting the de-occupied territories, performing in hospitals and  in shelters.  According to him, last year the team held 1510 performances attended by almost 145 thousand spectators in 17 regions of Ukraine. In the first 2 months of 2024, 182 performances have already been held in 14 regions, Karandeyev added. 

He emphasized that "it is the duty of the authorities to ensure the sustainability and at least the minimum capacity of such a team to function." 

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the algorithm for booking cultural and media workers established by the government has remained unchanged. There have been no innovations. We have booked and continue to book employees of theaters, music institutions, circuses, without whom the work of these institutions is impossible

- Karandeev added . 

Karandeyev also said that the directorate of traveling circus groups in Ukraine has submitted 14 people for booking.

"Only 14 employees! This is less than 10 percent of the total number of the entire team! These are 11 performers of the most complex circus genres and 3 more technical workers who are inseparably linked to the artists and without whose participation performances simply do not take place. I'm not ashamed of those cultural workers who work in Ukraine today, I'm no less proud of them than of those artists who changed their stage clothes for military uniforms," Karandeyev summarized. 

He also commented on the booking of media workers. According to him, during the war, when the enemy manipulates public opinion in Ukraine and abroad and spreads disinformation , the Ukrainian media is a source of truthful information and a pillar of Ukraine's national security. "That is why some of the workers in this sphere are also booked," Karandeyev added. 


The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has granted the status of important enterprises for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihoods of the population during a special period to some state circuses. In particular, this status was granted to: "Mobile circus of Ukraine", "Directorate of mobile circus troupes of Ukraine", "Zaporizhzhia state circus", etc. 

The Ministry of Culture also confirmed the status of important enterprises for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihoods of the population during the special period to the TV channels of the "United News" telethon.


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