
Business calls on the government to finalize the draft law on mobilization in order not to paralyze the country's economy

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The European Business Association calls on the government not to adopt Draft Law #10449 in its current version, but instead to finalize it so as not to paralyze the Ukrainian economy.

The European Business Association calls on the government not to adopt  draft law No. 10449 in the current version, but instead to adopt a number of improvements to avoid paralyzing the Ukrainian economy. This is stated in a statement by the EBA, UNN reports.


It is noted that on January 30 this year, the Government's draft law No. 10449 was reintroduced to the Verkhovna Rada, which proposes to improve the legislation on mobilization.

In fact, the business has analyzed it and, unfortunately, many of the provisions still raise questions. After all, the document is actually a copy of the draft law No. 10378, which the business has already expressed its concern about, in particular because it contained signs of violation of the Constitution of Ukraine and could have negative consequences for the economy. 

Не лише санкції, але й зручні механізми: у Міноборони прокоментували законопроект про мобілізацію03.02.24, 20:48

The business is convinced that the key task now is to create truly working, balanced, enforceable rules that will not paralyze the work of a part of the country. In fact, the EBA believes that the above-mentioned draft law should not be adopted, but should be revised consciously once again in order not to stop the country's work and, in particular, its economy

- The statement reads. 

The EBA emphasizes that the possibility of serving summonses remotely is currently a very big issue, and the provision on imposing restrictions in court is also a concern.

Business representatives emphasize that the judicial system is already extremely overloaded, and if these cases are added to the courts, the issue of the speed of court decisions may become even more serious.

In addition, the country needs to do a lot of work in terms of establishing the rule of law. 

The EBA has prepared a number of proposals and comments to the draft law, and the above are only a small part of them. So we sincerely hope that they will be taken into account by lawmakers

- emphasized in of the EBA.

Also , another issue in continuation of the previous one is the issue of booking employees to continue business operations. It is noted that, according to information from EBA member companies, it is currently particularly difficult to book critical specialists or experts in a company.

At the same time, the economic sector of the state should work at full capacity to meet the needs of the state and the army.

In order to create a balance for the proper functioning of the economy in the country, it is important to additionally provide for the reservation of employees who do not belong to critical enterprises, but at the same time actively work and pay taxes to the budget of Ukraine

- believe in the European Business Association.

In , the EBA adds that similar ideas about automatic booking were voiced by government representatives. In particular, it was proposed to introduce automatic booking of employees for a month with monthly extensions.

Кабмін вніс до Верховної Ради мобілізаційний законопроєкт: детальний розбір31.01.24, 08:15

Representatives of the Association are confident that this option to the already provided tools for booking critical employees will expand the category of booked working-age population, which will have a positive economic effect.

Therefore, the European Business Association appeals to the heads of all relevant committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko to take into account the comments and concerns of business in the context of mobilization legislation. In particular, not to adopt the draft law No. 10449 in the current version without appropriate revisions...
It is worth noting that the business community has a lot of questions about the country's economy. Therefore, the community would be grateful to the President of Ukraine for the opportunity to meet and discuss them

- the European Business Association said in a statement .

In , the EBA also calls on the government to consider the possibility of an additional tool for booking workers and still pay attention to the situation at the Ukrainian border crossing points.


In , the EBA is also concerned about the situation with the delivery of summonses to drivers who have to cross the border during a business trip.

"Головне - щоб усе було справедливо": Данілов прокоментував новий законопроєкт про мобілізацію 02.02.24, 18:23

It is noted that law enforcement agencies and territorial centers for recruitment and social support began deploying mobile posts  in front of checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine

Employees check the documents of truck drivers engaged in transportation across the state border, as well as issue summonses ordering them to appear at the TCC and JV to clarify their credentials in accordance with the Law of Ukraine. This leads to the formation of additional queues at the state border, panic among the company's employees authorized to carry out the relevant transportation

- The statement reads. 

In , the EBA noted that such workers are often mobilized without waiting for a decision on the extension of the reservation. This not only complicates logistics, but also raises questions among workers authorized to cross the border. 


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has resubmitted to the Parliament a draft law amending on military service, mobilization and military registration.

Законопроект про мобілізацію повністю відповідає нормам часу – Ілларіон Павлюк04.02.24, 02:45

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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