
CIA chief travels to Israel - Reuters

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CIA chief William Burns visits Israel for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials amid efforts to bring about a cease-fire in Gaza and a possible hostage exchange.

CIA chief William Burns is traveling to Israel on Wednesday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials, Reuters has learned, UNN reports .


The news agency cites a source familiar with Burns' travel plans.

Burns returned to Cairo on Tuesday to resume talks on a possible ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and hostage exchange.

On Tuesday evening, Al-Qahera News, a website affiliated with Egyptian intelligence, reported that US and Qatari delegations were continuing talks with Egypt and Hamas in Cairo. Netanyahu also said that an Israeli delegation was in Cairo.

ХАМАС та Ізраїль прибули до Каїра для переговорів про припинення вогню07.05.24, 22:33


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