
Collaborator who headed the "rosposta" during the occupation of Izyum is sentenced to 11 years in prison

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A woman who headed the occupation "rosposta" in Izium after the city was seized was sentenced to 11 years in prison for collaboration with confiscation of property and deprivation of rights for 15 years.

A collaborator who worked for the aggressor during the occupation of part of Kharkiv region was sentenced to 11 years in prison. This was reported by UNN with reference to the SBU press service.


The investigators found out that after the capture of the city of Izium, the woman became the head of the local occupation "council".

The offender also organized the "confiscation" of all property of the local Ukrposhta branch and its transfer to the "balance sheet" of the occupation administration of the aggressor country.

After Izyum's release, the collaborator tried to hide in the district, changing her addresses. However, SBU officers tracked her down and detained her in February 2023.

Based on the SBU materials, the court found her guilty under Art. 4, 6 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration) and sentenced her to 11 years in prison with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold positions in state and local government for 15 years

- the Security Service of Ukraine summarized.

Передавав дані російським спецслужбам: агент рф, який понад рік служив на Закарпатті, постане перед судом15.04.24, 12:08


Law enforcement officers also found out that after the  "appointment", the convict immediately began to form a new "staff" of the pseudo-institution, to which she involved her like-minded people.

Then the collaborator held a so-called constituent assembly, during which she called on her subordinates to support the aggressor in the war against Ukraine and ensure uninterrupted postal communication with Russia.

For such cooperation, she promised Russian "salaries" and loyalty from the occupiers.

Also, according to the investigation, it was on her instructions that propaganda publications of the Russian Federation, in particular the Russian newspaper "Red Star", were forcibly distributed to local residents.


During a speech at the Congress of Local and Regional Councils under the President of Ukraine, SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk stated that in 2024, the SBU opened 352 criminal cases for treason, 807 for collaboration, 108 for assisting the aggressor state, and 66 for passing information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the enemy.


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