
Court extends Kolomoisky's arrest and reduces bail to UAH 2.4 billion

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The court extended Kolomoisky's arrest until April 25, reduced his bail to UAH 2.4 billion, and ordered a medical examination of the businessman.

The Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv has extended the arrest of Ihor Kolomoiskyi until April 25 and reduced his bail to UAH 2.4 billion. This was reported by Suspilne with reference to his lawyer Oleksandr Lysak, UNN reports.

Lysak said that Kolomoisky would not post bail. The lawyers also asked for an immediate medical examination for the businessman.

The detention was extended for two months until April 25. The bail was reduced to UAH 2.4 billion. Igor Valerievich will not post bail. The court also made a separate ruling. It ordered the prosecutor to conduct a proper medical examination. He assigned this responsibility to the prosecutor. Immediately

- said the lawyer.


On December 21, 2023, Kolomoisky's bail was reduced from UAH 3 billion 891 million to UAH 2 billion 650 million.

On January 22, the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv remanded businessman Ihor Kolomoiskyi in custody until March 2 with bail set at UAH 2.65 billion.

Ihor Kolomoisky was served with several suspicions. One of them is for fraud and legalization of the proceeds of crime.

The businessman also received suspicion under three articles in the case of misappropriation of UAH 5.8 billion between 2013 and 2014.

The Shevchenkivsky District Court of Kyiv has extended the term of the pre-trial investigation in the case of businessman Ihor Kolomoisky until March 2.

Anna Murashko



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