
Death of Zaluzhnyi's assistant: SBI completes investigation into officer who gave Chastiakov live grenades

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An officer from the office of the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gave grenades to his deceased colleague Gennadiy Chastiakov for his birthday, which led to Chastiakov's accidental death when one of the grenades exploded while he was unpacking the grenades.

Law enforcement officers have completed a pre-trial investigation into an officer from the Office of the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who gave grenades to his deceased colleague Gennadiy Chastyakov. This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.


The SBI said that the serviceman, who was notified of suspicion of illegal sale of ammunition (Part 1 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) at the initial stage of the pre-trial investigation, gave the deceased a "gift" with grenades in honor of his birthday.

He did not warn his colleague about the authenticity of the grenades and did not make sure that he and others in the office understood that he was giving explosive devices

- the State Bureau of Investigation emphasized. 

As a result, while unpacking the "gift" at home, one of the grenades exploded in the hands of Chastiakov, who was sure that it was a souvenir glass. He died on the spot from his wounds, and his minor son sustained serious injuries.

В ДБР розглядають 4 версії загибелі помічника Залужного. Основною називають - нещасний випадок08.11.23, 13:02 • [views_44700]

The defendant was notified of the change in the previously notified suspicion. He is suspected of stealing, misappropriation and sale of ammunition, negligent homicide and causing grievous bodily harm by negligence (Art. 410, Part 4, Art. 263, Part 1, Art. 119, Art. 128 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 15 years

- the SBI said.

It is noted that the case will be transferred to court when the defense and the victims get acquainted with the pre-trial investigation materials.


On November 6, in the village of Chaiky in Kyiv region, a grenade explosion killed a soldier and Zaluzhny's assistant, Gennadiy Chastyakov. It was stated that it was probably an accident.

It was reported that he was presented with live grenades for his birthday, one of which detonated when handled carelessly.

Загибель помічника Залужного: ДБР повідомило про підозру офіцеру з Апарату Головнокомандувача ЗСУ, який подарував гранати Частякову09.11.23, 09:33 • [views_49110]


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