
Deliveries of some equipment to Ukraine continue under previously concluded contracts - Pentagon

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The Pentagon continues to supply military equipment and ammunition to Ukraine using previously allocated funds and existing contracts, but needs additional funding from Congress to provide new assistance.

Despite the absence of a decision by the US Congress on additional funding for Ukraine, the production and some supplies of military equipment and ammunition to Ukraine continue under previously concluded contracts. This was reported to the Voice of America by the Pentagon, UNN reports.


This reportedly includes artillery shells, missiles for HIMARS, air defense capabilities, and other military equipment. However, to provide new assistance to Ukraine, the Pentagon needs additional funding from the US Congress.

"The last arms package for Ukraine was announced on December 27 last year. However, the US Department of Defense can fulfill some of its previous commitments to Kyiv thanks to existing contracts under the USAI (Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative) program, which were funded even earlier," the statement said.

In contrast to the Presidential Decision Authority (PDA) program, which allows the United States to quickly deliver weapons to Ukraine directly from its own warehouses, USAI is said to involve ordering equipment from manufacturers. This program was used to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the long term. However, all funding for it has now been exhausted, and the Pentagon has no funds left for new purchases until they are approved by Congress, the publication writes.

According to US Department of Defense spokesman Jeff Jurgensen, each USAI contract has a specific performance period, production and delivery dates.

"In many cases - for example, with 155mm ammunition, NASAMs, Javelins, Stingers, GMLRS (missiles for HIMARS - ed.), a number of UAVs and UAV countermeasures - the production and delivery of these to Ukraine, as well as the replenishment of U.S. stockpiles, continues under the terms of these contracts," Jeff Jurgensen told VOA.

For security reasons, the Pentagon did not provide more precise information about the amount of equipment or the specific timing of its delivery to Ukraine.

Artillery shells have become one of the most pressing needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in recent months. Kyiv has repeatedly warned of a shortage of critical ammunition. The US government also recognizes this.

Currently, the United States produces about 28,000 155-mm shells per month, and by the end of 2024 plans to increase production to 70-80,000 per month, Pentagon spokesman Jeff Jurgensen told Voice of America. According to him, USAI funding also contributes to the production of such shells.

At the same time, Jurgensen noted that Congress has not yet approved the administration's request for additional funding. According to the Pentagon spokesperson, such uncertainty has "devastating consequences" for the Department of Defense, including the ability to provide assistance to Ukraine and other US allies and partners.

"For example, without additional funding, we cannot meet our goal of producing 100,000 155mm rounds per month. This also limits the ability of the US Department of Defense to fulfill planned multi-year procurement contracts, including missiles for Stingers, Javelins and PAC-3 missiles for the Patriot system," said Jeff Jurgensen.


Earlier this week, the US Senate approved a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. However, it appears that the bill may face difficulties in the US House of Representatives, where the Republicans have a majority.


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