
Despite the war, demand in the tourism industry is growing in western Ukraine

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Tourist demand is growing in western Ukraine due to restrictions on travel abroad, while the south and east are seeing a significant drop.

Ukrainian tourism is growing in the west, with a large drop expected in the south and east. Demand for domestic tourism is driven by restrictions on travel abroad.  This was reported by the head of the State Agency for Tourism Development, Mariana Oleskiv, during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

In the western regions of Ukraine, we have an increase in tourism, while in the south and east we have a big drop. In general, demand has fallen because many Ukrainians have gone abroad, and many are unable to go on vacation. In addition, traveling abroad has become more difficult. Therefore, most people are now choosing to vacation in Ukraine

- Oleskiv said.

She added that the tourism industry continues to operate even in wartime conditions, maintaining jobs and supporting employees, although it is experiencing a lack of human capital.


According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine's cultural and tourism sectors have lost more than $19.6 billion due to the war.

У ЮНЕСКО порахували, скільки часу та грошей знадобиться Україні для відновлення туризму14.02.24, 15:50

Iryna Kolesnik



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