
During the meeting with MITS representatives, Kryvchenko discussed investments in the domestic defense industry

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Kravchenko discussed with representatives of the MITS international defense accelerator attracting investments to expand the production of defense products needed by the Ukrainian military.

The head of the Kyiv RMA , Ruslan Kravchenko, met with representatives of MITS, an international defense accelerator that is actively looking for companies to invest in the Ukrainian defense industry. Kravchenko announced this on his Facebook page, UNN reports

Kravchenko said that the goal of MITS is to bring significant capital to the Ukrainian defense industry in the shortest possible time to scale up production of products that the defense forces need in the fight against the aggressor.

During the meeting, they discussed a number of important issues. In particular, he spoke about the critical need to protect Ukrainian skies. They also discussed an important block - investing in the development of Ukrainian companies based in the Kyiv region, which in many respects are not inferior to American ones

- said Kravchenko.

According to the head of the KCMA, the parties agreed to strategically coordinate in supporting and strengthening the domestic defense sector by attracting investments in specialized startups in Kyiv region.

MITS representatives also said that a fund with a capital of $20-50 million is already planned to be created to support Ukrainian companies  producing defense products.

American partners are interested in supporting private companies in the Kyiv region that operate in the defense sector, and the Kyiv region, for its part, is ready to offer the best conditions for investors on its territory

- emphasized Kravchenko.

Відновлення Київщини: в КОВА розповіли, як у Милі триває реконструкція житлової багатоповерхівки 18.04.24, 14:10

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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