
Europe is looking for an alternative to NATO if Trump is elected

 • 29080 переглядiв

European officials have privately discussed the creation of a continent-wide addition to NATO that could work alongside or replace U.S. security guarantees, depending on the outcome of the U.S. election.

Following Trump's statements about allegedly "encouraging" Russia to "do anything" with NATO members that do not spend enough on defense, and given the former president's growing chances of competing with Joe Biden in the US presidential election, a discussion is developing in Europe about a backup plan to ensure security on the continent.

In particular, European officials are discussing the creation of a continental addition to NATO, which would work in conjunction with U.S. security guarantees.

This was reported by the Washington Post and cited by UNN.


Trump's comments criticizing NATO irritate allies and stir up European fears, the newspaper writes, reporting on the opinion of representatives of European security services on revising the structure of the transatlantic military alliance by expanding its additions.

When the former and possibly future leader of the free world says that he will sit back and watch Russia attack NATO allies, we have to rethink what the U.S. commitment to Europe and Ukraine might look like

- said one of the representatives of European security services.

He also emphasized that while "hoping for the best," one should also "prepare for the worst," given a scenario that would include withdrawing support for Ukraine and allowing the Kremlin to destabilize the European region.

Following Donald Trump's statements that he would "encourage" Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" with NATO members that do not spend enough on defense, European officials have privately discussed the creation of a continental addition to NATO. This supplement is supposed to work in conjunction with U.S. security guarantees, but could also serve as a credible alternative if U.S. guarantees were to be canceled.

However, this is all talk, on the other hand, the Washington Post points out, France and Germany cannot agree on who will pay the bills; Eastern Europe does not fully trust Western Europe's resolve to confront Russian threats. It is also unclear how they will build a nuclear shield over the continent.

Another point is that the EU foresees changes regardless of whether Trump wins or Biden remains.

Hannah Neumann, a member of the European Parliament from Germany, said that even if enough votes favor Biden, many also realize that the shift in US sentiment goes deeper than the effects of Trump's election.

It is clear to everyone: whether it is Trump or Biden, the EU countries must unite and strengthen security measures. It's a homework assignment

- She said.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and U.S. President Joseph Biden have agreed to stay in constant contact and plan to hold an online meeting within the G7 in the near future. 

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has emphasized his readiness to go to the frontline with former US President and one of the potential Republican candidates for this year's election, Donald Trump, to see what is really going on.


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