
Eurovision artists raise funds to rebuild school destroyed by Russian missile

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UNITED24, together with Ukraine's representatives at the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil, are raising funds to rebuild a gymnasium in the Velykokostromska community of Dnipro Oblast that was destroyed by a Russian missile.

UNITED24, together with this year's Ukrainian representatives at the Eurovision Song Contest, alyona alyona and Jerry Heil, are raising money to rebuild a gymnasium in the Dnipro region that was destroyed by a Russian missile. The initiative was reported in the UNITED24 telegram channel, UNN reports.

We are proud to be partners of this year's representatives of Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest - alyona alyona and Jerry Heil! We will not only cheer for the artists, but also raise funds for the reconstruction of the Veliky Kostroma gymnasium together with them. We believe that through joint efforts we can help children!

- UNITED24 reported.


"My Voice Rebuilds" is the name of the joint collection by UNITED24 together with alyona alyona and Jerry Heil, Visa and Oschadbank.

The organizers are planning to raise UAH 10,000,000 to rebuild the school in Dnipropetrovs'k region that was destroyed by a Russian missile.

You can join the collection at link.

Євробачення-2024: організатори показали, як цьогоріч виглядає головна сцена25.04.24, 18:35


On July 15, Valentyn Reznichenko , head of the Dnipropetrovs'k RMA, reportedthat there was an "arrival" in Synelnyk district. A rocket hit a school.


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