
Explosives experts eliminate remains of downed russian X-101 missile in Lviv region

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Police bomb squad in Lviv region defused the warhead of a downed russian X-101 cruise missile found in a field after recent shelling.

In the Lviv region, police explosives experts neutralized a downed enemy cruise missile that fell in the region during the latest massive shelling of Ukraine. This is reported by the press service of the National Police in Lviv region, UNN reports.


The agency said that an X-101 cruise missile, one of many that russian aggressors launched at Ukraine on the night of February 7, was shot down by air defense fighters and soon found in a field near one of the villages in Stryi district.

The warhead of the 400-kilogram missile did not detonate, and explosive experts from the Lviv Police Explosive Service Department together with pyrotechnics from the State Emergency Service in Lviv region were involved in its neutralization.

На Київщині знищили бойову частину російської ракети X-10108.02.24, 15:35

Each case is individual, so it requires precision, care, a thorough preliminary study of the object, and accurate work of specialists. In this particular case, the right decision was to neutralize the warhead by means of a controlled explosion 

- summarized the acting head of the Lviv Police Explosive Service Department, Police Colonel Andriy Shtangret.

According to him, the warhead of the missile was transported to a specially prepared safe place, covered with earth to extinguish the blast wave and reduce the spread of the munitions, and then detonated.

Заміна двигуна та системи наведення: Рувін розповів, як ворог намагається модифікувати крилаті ракети Х-22/32 19.01.24, 10:51


In the Darnytsia district of Kyiv, municipal security officers found the wreckage of an enemy missileused by russia to attack the city on January 23.  Law enforcement officers were called to the scene to record the crime.


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