
First Casino has paid for a license to continue operations until 2024

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This year, the state budget plans to receive UAH 1.047 billion in license fees from the legal gambling sector.

First Element LLC (FirstCasino trademark) paid for the license to organize and conduct casino gambling on the Internet in 2024 on time. The payment amounted to UAH 23.4 million. The State Treasury Service of Ukraine confirmed the receipt of funds.

This is the third payment from the company for the renewal of the license, which was obtained by the brand in early 2021 and then extended three times - in 2022, 2023, and 2024, respectively. Each time, the company has successfully passed certification and all state inspections by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL).     

First Casino continues to adhere to its mission of creating a new gaming culture, which it has declared since the company's opening. It aims to acquire a positive image of the legal entertainment market. That is why it continues to invest heavily in Ukraine and, of course, in support of the Armed Forces. The company is undoubtedly focused on the industry's prospects and clear and understandable business rules for all players.  

As a reminder, in 2024, the state budget plans to receive UAH 1.047 billion in license fees from the legal gambling sector. 

Customer verification system as a barrier for minors  

First Casino is a socially responsible company, so when registering an account, potential customers need to go through verification to confirm their age. The player needs to send scanned copies of documents or use BankID. Only after verification, which takes from 12 to 24 hours (if you go through BankID), you can use the services provided by the brand. Verification is also required to withdraw winnings to a bank card. 


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