
Greece approves transfer of decommissioned equipment and weapons to Ukraine - media

 • 118041 переглядiв

Greece has decided to give Ukraine outdated weapons systems that are no longer used by its military. This comes after the United States approved the sale of $8.6 billion worth of F-35 fighter jets to Greece and offered additional military aid of $200 million if Greece provides the weapons to Ukraine.

Greece has decided to transfer to Ukraine outdated weapons systems that the Greek army no longer uses. This was reported by the Greek edition Kathimerini, citing its own sources, UNN reports .


The necessary instructions have already been given to transfer outdated systems and equipment no longer used by the Greek army to Ukraine

the publication said.

It is noted that this decision was made by Greece after the United States approved the sale of F-35 fighters to Athens worth $8.6 billion.

Along with approving the sale of modern fighter jets, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken sent a letter to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakis Mitsotakis offering to transfer or sell weapons to Ukraine in exchange for $200 million in aid from Washington.

We remain interested in defense capabilities that Greece could transfer or sell to Ukraine. If these capabilities are of interest to Ukraine, and pending the U.S. government's assessment of their status and value, we may explore the possibility of additional funding for the Greek armed forces of up to $200 million

Blinken said.

According to open sources, Greece is armed with Tor, Wasp, and S-300 air defense systems, as well as ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems and ammunition for all of these weapons systems.

Греція висловила готовність зміцнити безпеку Одещини - Кіпер07.12.23, 14:08


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