
Guerrillas reconnoiter missile depot of Russian air defense unit in Sevastopol - ATES

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Ukrainian guerrillas discovered and handed over the coordinates of a missile depot of the Russian air defense unit in occupied Sevastopol, making it a priority target for neutralizing Russian air defense assets.

Ukrainian guerrillas discovered a missile depot of a Russian air defense unit in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. This was reported by the ATESh guerrilla movement, UNN reports .

The agents of our movement reconnoitered the military equipment park and the missile armament warehouse of the 12th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the 31st Air Defense Division,

- the statement said.


As noted, the resistance movement studied the patrols' schedule, weaknesses in the unit's defense, and surveillance cameras.

These depots are a priority target. After all, due to the lack of missiles, their air defense system will become ineffective,

- The guerrillas emphasize.

ATES also indicated the exact coordinates of the object: 44.5171832 33.4875704


In the occupied Crimea, the Russian military is restoring old non-working equipment from warehouses in Sevastopol due to the lack of vehicles at the front.


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