
Halushchenko met with the European Commissioner for Energy: they discussed strengthening the resilience of the Ukrainian energy system

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The Minister of Energy of Ukraine discussed with the EU Commissioner the consequences of Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy facilities, the need for equipment to restore and strengthen the resilience of the energy system, and the importance of Ukraine's underground gas storage facilities for European energy security.

In Brussels, Ukraine's Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko held bilateral talks with European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson. The meeting was reported by the Energy Ministry , UNN reported.


Halushchenko and Simson met in Brussels on the sidelines of a meeting of EU energy ministers. First of all, the Energy Minister informed the European Commissioner about the consequences of recent Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities.

Thermal and hydropower generation, as well as electricity transmission facilities, have suffered the greatest losses. The situation with electricity supply in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, which are located in close proximity to the Russian border and are subject to regular shelling with all types of weapons, remains the most difficult.

 ," Galushchenko said.

The Ukrainian minister emphasized that in order to get through the next winter, Ukraine needs to increase the capacity of shunting generation and carry out decentralization efforts. It was in this context that the parties discussed the equipment needs of Ukrainian power engineers.

Kadri Simson supported the need for an ENTSO-E solution to increase the capacity of interstate cross-border crossings for electricity imports to Ukraine from European countries. The European Commissioner also emphasized the importance of the Energy Support Fund for Ukraine to purchase equipment needed to restore and strengthen the resilience of the Ukrainian energy system.

Зеленський провів Ставку: говорили про фронт та енергетику15.04.24, 19:01

While discussing preparations for the next heating season, the interlocutors emphasized the completion of the contract for the transportation of Russian gas this year. 

Galushchenko also informed the European Commissioner about Russian attacks on gas infrastructure and noted the importance of Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities for European energy security. 

Mr. Galushchenko also drew attention to the possibility of using air defense systems of neighboring countries to protect energy facilities that are important, including for the security of supply to European countries.

Загарбники шукають атомників для ЗАЕС через соцмережі - Центр спротиву15.04.24, 15:56

The parties paid special attention to the situation at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP and nuclear safety issues.


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