
Hamas called on Muslims to march on Jerusalem and "liberate al-Aqsa"

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In a rare audio address, Hamas leader Muhammad Deif called on Muslims around the world to march on Jerusalem and "liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Muhammad Deif, the mysterious leader of the Al-Qassam Brigade, who has not appeared in public for decades, called on Muslims around the world to "liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque" in an audio message. The authenticity of the video has not been established, UNN reports with reference to Die Presse.


 Mohammed Deif  , in an audio message to Muslims around the world posted on Wednesday on the militant group's channel on the Telegram messaging app, called for joining the "honor of jihad and participation in the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

"Start the march today, now, not tomorrow, to Palestine," says Deif.

There is no image of Deif in the recording and it could not be confirmed. It is not known when the recording was made.

Mohammed Deif   , together with the head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Jihiya al-Sinwar, is considered to be the organizer of the unprecedented massacre in Israel on October 7. In one of his rare messages that day, Deif announced a "military operation" against Israel.

Meanwhile, the church is calling for a ceasefire as traditional Christian Easter celebrations take place in Jerusalem in the next few days. In their Easter message, church leaders are calling for an "immediate and lasting ceasefire" in the war in Gaza. The message, published on Wednesday, refers to the "intense suffering that surrounds us here in the Holy Land" and condemns "all acts of violence in this devastating war, especially those directed against innocent civilians.


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claims that in early March it killed the deputy commander of the military wing of the Hamas movement, Marwan Issa.

Trump supported Israel's military actions against Hamas, but called for an end to the war in Gaza due to the severe humanitarian crisis and the loss of international support.

Нетаньягу назвав терміни завершення операції Ізраїлю в секторі Газа11.03.24, 00:28


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