
How to help your pet in times of anxiety - dog experts give advice

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Avoid going out during an alarm and include pet supplies in your alarm case to protect your pets during an alarm.

The loud sounds of sirens during air raids and enemy shelling frighten animals, and in a panic they start running away and hiding. This can result in serious injuries.  The police dog training center in Kyiv region has given advice on how to help your pet during an alarm, according to UNN

Some tips to help protect pets from unnecessary panic during anxiety:

  • Try not to walk dogs during air raid alerts.
  • Do not forget about your pet if you go to a shelter. Currently, animals are not allowed to stay in shelters and bomb shelters. However, as noted, a draft document has already been developed to address this issue. Also, most shelters are animal-friendly.

Dogs must have a leash and a muzzle or carrier.

  • Take care of chipping your pet. Don't forget about regular address books.
  • If your dog is stressed by loud noises at home, talk to your veterinarian about using specialized calming medications.
  • Make sure that the animal has a place where it can rest.
  •  Put your pet's belongings in the alarm case: a collar/harness and muzzle, a small bag of dry food, a water bottle, a blanket, and medications if necessary.
  • Keep the animal's documents with your own.

Отримала контузію через атаку рф: в Центрі порятунку повідомили про стан левиці Юни08.01.24, 15:57

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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