
Kuleba commented on the information about calls to stop strikes on Russian refineries

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Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expressed concern that the actions of Western allies do not match their rhetoric, suggesting that they want Ukraine to fight with its hands tied behind its back by not providing enough weapons.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba  is concerned that the actions of the allies do not always match their rhetoric. He agreed that it seems that Western allies want Ukraine to fight with its hand tied behind its back. He said this in an interview with Politico, reports UNN


Kuleba would not confirm the information that the US has called on Kyiv to stop attacks on Russian energy infrastructure and oil facilities.  However, when asked if he thought that the Western allies wanted Ukraine to fight with its hand tied behind its back, he replied: "Yes, that's true".

Kuleba is concerned that the actions of the allies do not always match their rhetoric, and as the war drags on, they "return to the usual way of doing politics." 

He described a vicious circle: weapons are not delivered, delayed or delivered in insufficient quantities, and then the allies say that Ukraine is retreating, that victory is impossible for Ukraine. And the allies ask themselves why they should provide Ukraine with weapons that "change the game." 

"But, guys, this whole picture of reality that you are painting is the result of one simple fact - Ukrainian soldiers do not have enough weapons because you did not provide them," he said.

When asked about the $60 billion aid package from the United States  for Ukraine, which has been stalled by Republicans for several months, Kuleba replied:

"We will be happy to make a decision," he said. 

Ukraine has had a deadline for providing aid since October last year. Every time I hear about a new deadline, I just say: "God bless America and the US Congress," Kuleba said. 

According to the Financial Times , Washington has allegedly called on Ukraine to stop drone attacks on Russian refineries to avoid further escalation and higher energy prices. 


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