
Latvia may deport 800 Russians

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Latvia may deport 800 Russians who have not applied for permanent or temporary residence and have not passed the Latvian language test.

Latvian authorities may deport 800 Russians who do not have the right to stay in the country, said Madara Puke, a representative of the Latvian Migration Directorate, Suspilne reports, according to UNN .


Currently, 800 people have not been granted the right to stay in Latvia. They have not applied for either permanent or temporary residence... We have passed the information about these people to the State Border Guard Service for further verification. In the coming weeks, it will be clear whether these people are still in Latvia. If they are, departure orders will be issued for 30 days

Puke emphasized.

She noted that those who failed the Latvian language exam could apply for a temporary residence permit for two years, after which their Latvian language skills would be tested again with the threat of deportation.

Латвія перевірятиме людей, які голосуватимуть на виборах президента рф у посольстві11.03.24, 14:42


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