
Macron is looking for a new candidate for the post of European Commission President

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French President Macron is actively negotiating with EU leaders to find a new candidate to replace Ursula von der Leyen as president of the European Commission.

French President Macron is looking for an alternative to lead the European Commission. This was reported by Bloomberg, according to UNN.


French President Emmanuel Macron is actively negotiating with the leaders of the European Union to find a new candidate for the post of European Commission President.

According to reports, Macron, who played a key role in appointing Ursula von der Leyen to this position five years ago, is considering the candidacy of former European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi for the top of the European institution.

According to the sources, President Macron has already held consultations with several prime ministers, including the Italian prime minister.

These conversations have become relevant less than two months before the next European Parliament elections.


Ursula von der Leyen, who became president of the European Commission as a result of the agreement between Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2019, promised to transform the commission into a "geopolitical commission." However, her work has been criticized for excessive politicization and poor leadership in the areas of trade, climate change, and relations with the United States.

Макрон заявив, що Франція зробить "усе можливе" для досягнення олімпійського перемир'я15.04.24, 13:38


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