
Malysh about Kiva, Tatarsky and others: criminals pay karmic debts to the Ukrainian people

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The head of the SBU, Vasyl Malyuk, does not officially confirm that the SBU is behind the elimination of several war criminals, such as Ilya Kiva or Vladlen Tatarsky. However, his comments suggest that the Security Service has information about them.

The head of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk did not officially confirm that the SBU was behind the liquidation of a number of war criminals, including Ilya Kiva and Vladlen Tatarsky, but he gave many interesting details that show that the Security Service knows much more about these "cotton" than it can comment on, reports UNN.


When asked whether the SBU was really involved in the liquidation of such characters as Kiva and Tatarsky, Malyuk replied:

You are asking the right question, but we will not officially recognize this in any way... They are paying off karmic debts to the Ukrainian people. Period

- Malyuk said in an interview with ICTV.

He noted that fair punishment had caught up with all the villains.

Former MP Kiva - in the form of 9×19 mm bullets with a control bullet in the head. The propagandist and murderer of Tatarsky - in the form of a gift bust filled with explosives. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the so-called "lPR" Kornet was "found" with explosives in a barbershop while shaving. And the Prosecutor General of the so-called "lPR" Gorenko literally "burned out at work" from 800 grams of plastid. War criminal Prilepin was blown up in a car by an anti-tank mine. He survived, but without genitals.


Earlier, UNN's own sources reported that the SBU was behind the liquidation of traitors and war criminals in the occupied territories and in Russia. In particular, it concerns Ilya Kiva, Vladlen Tatarsky and dozens of other enemies of Ukraine.

СБУ стоїть за ліквідацією таких зрадників України, як Кива і Татарський - джерело06.02.24, 18:05


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