
More than 4 thousand amendments to the draft law on mobilization have been submitted - MP

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According to the MP, more than 4,000 amendments were submitted to the updated draft law on mobilization. The Defense Committee will start working on February 27 to prepare the draft law for the second reading

More than four thousand amendments were submitted to the updated draft law on mobilization in Ukraine. This was stated by MP Yaroslava Zheleznyak on her Telegram channel, UNN reports.


There are 4195 applications for mobilization. There are 40 of mine there

- said the MP." 

According to him, the Defense Committee will start preparing the draft law for the second reading on February 27 and, accordingly, consider amendments.

Розгляд законопроєкту про мобілізацію можуть розпочати у березні - нардеп14.02.24, 18:27

Zheleznyak adds that "if everything goes well," the draft law will be considered in the Rada on March 6. At the same time, he noted that the process in the parliament could be delayed for a couple of days due to the large number of amendments.


The head of the Servant of the People faction in parliament, David Arakhamia, said that the new draft law on mobilization will review, among other things, the approach to graduate students and the issue of blocking personal accounts of citizens.


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