
More than 49 thousand Russian military: Russian media about the losses of the Russian army in the war in Ukraine

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According to Russian media, more than 49,000 Russian servicemen have been killed in the war in Ukraine, including more than 3,300 officers.

More than 49 thousand Russian military died in the war in Ukraine. The losses of the Russian army were reported by the Russian media, UNN reported.

By March 29, we had confirmed the deaths of 49,281 dead Russian military personnel. We know the names of more than 3,300 officers of the army and other security forces. 386 of them were in the rank of lieutenant colonel and above.

- writes the publication "Mediazone".


Sources of the Russian publication "Verstka" say that a new wave of mobilization is being prepared in Russia, and the former flow of volunteers who signed up for a contract has now dried up.

However, it is difficult to estimate the number of Russians who on their own free will want to go to war.

Data on credit vacations given by banks to war veterans show that in one quarter at least 30 thousand people join the army - this is only those who have loans and who wished to get a deferment. 

- "Mediazone" writes.

The publication also noted that according to the losses they analyze, there are still enough volunteers in the Russian army.

And it is from them (volunteers - ed.), as well as from prisoners, that assault units are often formed, which are used to attack Ukrainian positions. The mobilized also take part in the fighting and suffer losses, but now they are killed less than volunteers.

- the journalists emphasized.

Independent observers have previously repeatedly suggested that after the election of Vladimir Putin, new mobilization may begin in Russia. At the same time, the Russian Defense Ministry  assures that there are no such plans for the time being.


Mediazona journalists together with a team of volunteers are studying posts in social networks, messages in regional media and publications on the websites of public authorities. 

They consider as confirmation of the death a publication in a Russian official source or mass media, or a publication from a relative (matching names or other details allowing to judge about it), or - posts in other sources, such as city blogs, if they are accompanied by photos of the deceased or indication of the date of farewell and funeral, or - photos from cemeteries. 

Journalists do not take into account the military losses of the self-proclaimed LDNR republics. However, if a russian citizen voluntarily went to war and joined the armies of these pseudo-republics (or was sent there after mobilization), he is also included in the total statistics of russian casualties.

Tatiana Salganik



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