
MP: Consideration of draft law on mobilization may begin in March

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The Ukrainian parliament may consider a bill to strengthen mobilization in early March.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine may consider draft law #10449 on strengthening mobilization in March. This was stated by MP Oleksiy Honcharenko in his Telegram channel, UNN reports .


The mobilization law is delayed. According to a realistic scenario, it will be considered sometime in early March

- the post reads. 

Кабмін вніс до Верховної Ради мобілізаційний законопроєкт: детальний розбір31.01.24, 08:15

What preceded it 

MP from the Voice party  Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on his Telegram channel that the draft law was passed "without the committee's proposals." According to him, amendments will be made until February 21, after which there will be a second reading.

Zheleznyak admits that the bill was passed as a whole in the last week of February, signed in early March, and will come into force in April.


The Anti-Corruption Committee has recognized the new draft law on mobilization as containing corruption risksas key provisions are unclear and leave too much power to officials.

In addition, Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets sharply criticized the government's draft law on mobilization, saying it contains contradictory provisions and does not comply with the Constitution


The head of the Servant of the People faction in parliament, David Arakhamia, said that the new draft law on mobilization will review, among other things, the approach to graduate students and the issue of blocking personal accounts of citizens.

Буданов розповів, чи зможе Україна уникнути мобілізації21.01.24, 17:31


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