
NATO Secretary General announces a "step up" for Ukraine at the Washington summit

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The NATO Secretary General says that the upcoming NATO summit in Washington will be a "step up" for Ukraine, after discussing support for Ukraine with the Finnish President and preparations for the summit.

The NATO Secretary General has reiterated that the NATO summit in Washington this summer will be a "step forward" for Ukraine. He said this following telephone conversations on Friday with Finnish President Alexander Stubb, who also said that the need to continue supporting Ukraine was discussed, UNN reports.

Great call with President alex stubb of valued Ally Finland. We welcomed Sweden’s historic accession to NATO & discussed preparations for the NATO Summit in July. When Allies meet in Washington, we will reinforce our defences, step up for Ukraine, and deepen our partnerships

- Stoltenberg wrote in X.

Stubb, for his part, also called his phone conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg a good one. "We discussed preparations for the Washington summit, the state of Finland's integration into NATO, and the need to continue supporting Ukraine," he said in X.

"Подвоїти зусилля": Кулеба у розмові з Генсеком НАТО закликав до прискорення поставок зброї та боєприпасів Україні15.03.24, 13:29


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