
Occupants on the left bank of Kherson region dared to make 3 assaults, but retreated with losses - Southern Defense Forces

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In the Kherson region, Russian troops made three unsuccessful attempts to storm the left bank of the Dnipro River, suffered losses and retreated to their original positions.

On the left bank of the Kherson region, Russian occupants attempted three assaults yesterday, but they were unsuccessful. Having suffered losses, the enemy retreated to their original positions. UNN reports this with reference to the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine.


"In the operational area of the Southern Defense Forces, daily counter-battery fighting and repulsion of enemy assaults continues. The enemy does not abandon its intentions to drive our units out of their positions," reads a message from the Southern Defense Forces on Telegram.

It is reported that in the Orikhivske direction, the occupants made 4 assaults, but were unsuccessful.

"On the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson region, they attempted three assaults, but they were unsuccessful. Having suffered losses, they retreated to their original positions. The defense forces continue to take comprehensive measures to hold and strengthen their positions," the statement said.

It is also reported that the occupiers do not stop aerial reconnaissance, put pressure with artillery shelling, carry out air strikes, and use a large number of attack drones of various types.

"There are no ships of the enemy's underfleet in the Black and Azov Seas. The missile carriers are at their basing points," the statement said.


In early March, Natalia Humeniuk , head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine, reportedthat the Ukrainian Armed Forces were reinforcing defenses in Kherson region.


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