
Over 400 thousand euros found on Ukrainian pensioner in Munich

 • 32469 переглядiв

A 66-year-old Ukrainian pensioner was detained at Munich airport with €455,000 in cash hidden in his luggage. The money was confiscated by authorities investigating possible money laundering.

A Ukrainian pensioner carrying 455,000 euros was detained in Germany, BILD writes with reference to the Main Customs Office of Munich, UNN reports .


According to the newspaper, a 66-year-old Ukrainian citizen was randomly stopped at the Munich airport for inspection. Among the clothes in his suitcase, they found thick stacks of 20 and 50 euro bills. In total, the man was carrying 455,000 euros. He was going to fly to Cyprus.

During the inspection, he said he had only 300 euros on him. Then, in the boarding area, another man approached him and handed him a small suitcase. This aroused suspicion among law enforcement officers.

As the Customs Service told BILD, they are currently investigating "whether this is money laundering, who owns the money, and where it came from.

According to the newspaper, the bills are likely to be confiscated in favor of the state.

У Німеччині чоловік захопив чотирьох заручників у Starbucks27.01.24, 02:50


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